Preparing a Will is something which most people wish to avoid but it is an important legal document which allows you to take control of your estate and ensure that on your death, your assets pass in accordance with your wishes.
Our experienced legal team will always take the time to get to know you and your requirements. We pride ourselves in the care and attention we provide to our clients.
We are always prepared to go the extra mile and as part of our service we offer an out of office home service for those clients who are unable to attend the offices. Please note: our office does offer wheelchair access at the rear of the building.
It is important to remember to keep your Will under review as your circumstances, and the law change over time. It is particularly important to review your Will at important life events, such as:
1. When purchasing a property or other significant asset;
2. On the birth of a child or grandchild;
3. Upon marriage or civil partnership; or
4. Separation or divorce.
If you would wish to discuss making a will, please contact a member of our team who will be willing to assist you on 0191 909 7990 or email us at info@leverlaw.co.uk
Please click HERE to view our Glossary of Legal Terms document.

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