Like a Will people often do not think about a Lasting Power of Attorney until it is too late. Despite their increase in popularity, many people still do not know what a Lasting Power of Attorney is or how it works.
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint one or more people to act as your Attorney. The Attorneys you appoint can make decisions on your behalf should you be unable or unwilling to do so yourself. The decisions may be in relation to the management of your property and financial affairs, your health and welfare, or both.
You may not think this is a priority at the moment, but unfortunately, we do not know what is around the corner. For example, you may lose mental capacity due to an accident, a stroke, a head injury or perhaps a long-term condition such as dementia.
Without a Lasting Power of Attorney, it could become very difficult for those close to you to access and manage your bank accounts, savings, investments, property, or carry out your wishes in respect of your health and welfare should you lose mental capacity.
If you did lose mental capacity without making a Power of Attorney your family or friends would need to make a formal application to the Court of Protection to request that they be appointed as your Deputy. A Deputy is someone who will manage your property and finances or make decisions about your health and welfare as if they were you. It is always best to avoid making an application to the Court of Protection given the process is often both expensive and lengthy.
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